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San Jose, IT works!!

Welcome to California!!! The land of Gold rush now the land of IT rush...I landed at San Jose (SJC) airport at 1.00 PM. The airport looked so small after seeing airport like O'hare...My BIL had come to pick me up at the airport..we reached home and after some chatting and playing we got ready to go to the Mystery Spot To our surprise we found a huge rush at Mystery Spot, we were told that it would take about 2 hours to go insite the Mystery Spot...We thought it was long time to wait we headed towards Santa Cruz beach our backup plan...We reached Santa Cruz beach and I was so amazed to see a beach with a carnival atmosphere, every kid there including me enjoyed watching the rides...We thought before we head for any rides we thot we will wet our feet in the pacific ocean...Boy!!! the water was really chill it was almost like getting your legs freezed...This was my first painful experiece at beach...but I loved watching the children enjoying in the water...Infact my nephew Adhav enjoyed the water so much that he didnt want to come out of the water. We had to distract him to bring him out of the water...After a cold experience we will chill ourselves by having an icecream and with the energy gained from the icecream my BIL and myself started trying our hands in the game stalls that were present...the first game was shooting tennis balls at various targets at about 160-180 MPH speed. I never managed to hit any target but my BIL did hit once...Kudos to him...
Then my Sister spotted a basketball game..thinking that she has a Basket ball player in her armour she thought its a safe bet to make me play the game and win a soft toy. But to her disappointment I never scored a single basket :-)...Later we saw breaking the pyramid which created nostalgia for my BIL and me. So we thought we will try our hand and My BIL won a Dog soft toy, Hurray!!!!
Then we found the game that cost us a lot...The idea behind the game was throw the base balls at the clown's teeth and break his teeth. The clown had six teeth, they had a attractive Batman toy which attracted my nephew A...and Since he wanted the toy my BIL, myself and my sister tried our hand with vain and ended up paying about $24 when each try costed $3...after so many tries we never won the Batman that my nephew wanted...
The next day we headed towards SFO (San Francisco)...It was nice city to see...it was so different from that of any other city in US... The city was so live and you could hear music where ever you go...
On the way we drove past the golden bridge..It is surely a engineering marvel...awesome construction....One of the biggest suspension bridge that I have ever seen....I have seen some programs on the construction of this bridge...Many lives were lost during the construction of this bridge....
We went straight to the Fisherman's warf...Man!! see any direction you see only Crab and Lobster everywhere...If you are a sea food person they you would surely love this place...We had some yummy crab and Clam chowder soup in a bread bowl..
At fisher man's warf we can take tour of the war ship and a submarine used during the first world...It was real treat to the eyes...It seems the piston pumping movement shown in the Oscar winning movie Titanic was taken here...You should see the size of those pistons and cylinders....I could'nt imagine the power those engines pumped out...Being from the mechanical background it was seeing a dream....The most amazing thing was my 4 year old newphew knew exactly how those engines worked and he knew what each part of that engine did...Man!!! Today's Kids are surely smart...I wonder if I knew anything called engine when I was 4 yr old....On the way back we drove past the crooked street...The streat is amazing...the amount of gradient it has, it will be difficut to walk...we would be rather running due to the pull from earth....it was amazing to see the house constructed in that street...another must see in SFO....Hey! forgot to tell you...dont forget to get some choclates from Giradeli....BTW dont forget to take a ride in the tram...it feels great to ride up and down the streets of SFO...sure a life time experience...After experiencing SFO we headed back home and the next day headed back to Chicago...